How Does It Work ?

Are you in a relationship that has begun to crumble or witness the absence of affection and compassion? Well, this is a very common feeling in women if her relationship with the partner lacks kissing.

A kiss is regarded as an expression of love, passion, compassion, adoring and affection towards your partner. It is the most effective ways to communicate your feelings without having to say anything in words. If you are in a relationship, then you will be able to relate to this fact very easily. A passionate romance begins with a kiss and this is what keeps the relationship drive smooth and over brimming with affection and love.
This is a very common feeling that has been felt by more than 80% of women across the globe. The beginning of romance and sex is a passionate kiss and the couples who express their love and affection with a kiss seem to build a very strong relationship physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically too. Ask your friends who are married if you haven’t still entered into the nuptial knot.
The secret to a happy Relationship
Men generally feel that their love, care and concern towards their female partner should suffice the woman’s needs and this is probably the route to a happy and healthy relationship. However, this is not true in 99% of the cases. On the contrary it is seen that men who respect the feelings of their women partner and acknowledge these feelings with romance, love and a passionate kiss work towards a beautiful relationship altogether. For women, a kiss is equal to a commitment and upon being kissed a woman feels the promise again and again by her partner.
In medical terms, a passionate kiss releases important chemicals like oxytocin from our brain. This is an essential chemical that works towards making the couple feel bonded. While many of you might disagree to these aspects but a study on love, life and relationships has revealed that women are more sensitive towards such behavior that connects them to pleasure, romance, sex, love and commitment.
