How Does It Work ?

Making a good impression on your first date is crucial. So, what is it that you must do? This is our list, so pay attention!

#9 Time your date well

Choosing a weeknight for your first or second date is perfectly ok. It is likely that both of you are trying to understand each other and hence don’t really mind making some small adjustments in your daily schedule. From the third outing however, ensure that you always meet on weekends. Weekends are ideal to explore the town or check out some new attractions. You can even visit some special shows that happen mostly over the weekends. Your date is bound to enjoy your company and helps you gain his/her confidence. You can make your day more eventful by spending more time with each other and enjoying each others’ company.

#8 Offer to pay

It is important to make a good impression on your first date and offering to pay the bill gives you the right opportunity for this purpose. This action signifies that you are well-established, steady and responsible. Sometimes, it becomes a deciding factor in determining whether you are ready to be in a relationship or not. As a general rule, if you have instigated this particular date, then it is you who must be paying the bills. Yet, it is always good to be ready regardless of who proposed a date. Nothing can look more sheepish than having not enough money to cover to cover the restaurant charges.

#7 Focus only on your date

Remember to maintain good eye contact with your date. Never ogle since it will be a total turn off factor for your date. Having a steady eye contact gets you the complete attention of your date. He/she can become more open and facilitates natural flow of conversation. If you are visiting a restaurant, make sure that you pay more attention to your date rather than on people around you. It is rude to let your date talk while your eyes are busy scanning the restaurant crowd. You must make an effort to understand each other. Nothing can be a greater tool than good eye contact for this purpose.

#6 Get a second opinion

It is never too late to consult your friends for some pointers on your first date. Going out on a first date can sometimes make you nervous or apprehensive. Talk to your friends about their experiences or for some valuable dating tips. This way, you can get to know whether you are on the right track or not. Take in their experiences and try implementing them on your first date. From picking the best restaurants in town to helping you choose the best outfit, remember that a second opinion goes a long way in determining the success of your date.

#5 Don’t be a show off

Boasting is something that you should always avoid. There is really no need to speak about number of foreign trips you have had or how important an asset you are to your employer. Your date is sure to be turned off by these numbers. The conversation must flow in both directions and give some space for you date to air his/her views. Avoid using jargons and never point to things that you feel are lacking your date. Make friendly conversation and try to understand your date better. This will not only ensure the success of your first date, but also pave way for a strong relationship in future.

#4 Creating the first impression

Remember to be on time. You can send out a brief text message in case you are running behind the schedule. It is not important to provide a reason, but a simple message can convince your date that you are indeed serious about him/her. Take some time to improve your appearance. Wear comfortable outfits that make you look effortlessly gorgeous. Never go overboard with your dressing. Smile, relax and ask intelligent questions. This will not only convince your date about your attention but also helps to build a new connection between the both. Act natural and allow the conversation to flow naturally. Be yourself and you will boost the chances of creating a good impression.

#3 Keep it casual

There are several ways to make your date casual and interesting. Being casual is a great way to become familiar with your date. Try not to be awkward. Discuss about mutual interests, dislikes and likes. Listen genuinely to what your date has to say. Do not be self-centric or make self-centered conversation. Get to know your date as a person. Avoid being shy since it can bring uneasiness to some people. Choose a place with comfortable seating area maintain good table manners. Maintain good posture and speak with confidence. Be sweet and simple. As long as you relax and act casual, things will go the way you planned.

#2 Be confident

Learn to walk with confidence. Try to pick some role model and mimic their walk. It is often noted that self confidence paves way to positive thoughts, improved physicality and emotions. Remember to control your speech and do not make any self-serving announcements. In fact, it is the body language that must portray your self-confidence. Don’t meet your date without any clue on what you will be talking about. Be aware of conversation topics, mutual areas of interest, or defining personality of your date. Also, do not forget to attend to every component of your image like skincare, hair and clothing. Truly confident people can turn around the conversation and bring the spotlight on their date. This is a highly charming and flattering way to impress your date.

#1 If you snooze, you loose

It is good to follow up with your date with a phone call or text. This will not only help to make any last minute adjustments, but also creates a positive impression with your date. Do not overdo the text or phone call by texting every ten minutes or giving away too much personal details. Let some mystery remain for the first date you always dreamed about. Make your message sound excited and eager to meet your date. You can possibly make some minimal conversation but remember to keep some pending for the big day!
