How Does It Work ?

#1 Picking Up Women at the Gym: Does It Really Work?

The gym can be a great way to meet women outside of your work and friend circle. However, women are not actively seeking out men at the gym. Hence, be very careful about whom you approach and how you approach her or you may simply end up irritating a woman for no reason.
Often, correct socialising is the key to finding the right partner. The gym, if you play your cards rights, can be a very nice place to socialise. It is a place where you can meet all kinds of women of all age groups.
• If you want to pick up women from the gym, here’s a few Dos and Don’ts that you must religiously take care of:
• Don’t go up and talk to a woman if she’s wearing headphones or earphones. Headphones or earphones essentially mean that they are not interested in talking to anyone. Although, that isn’t always true. Try to take cues from the woman’s body language or eye contact. If she is looking at you or tries to maintain eye contact, then maybe she doesn’t might a conversation.
• As far as possible, start a general indirect conversation. Do not tell her that you had been watching her work out. That would creep most women out.
• Don’t ever start a conversation with comments on her physique, even if you are going to compliment her. Even if you are at the gym, telling her that she has a toned body would still sound cheesy.
Instead try to compliment her on her technique or her efforts. Make sure you first think it out in your mind and then say it out loud. Sometimes, you may just end up saying cheesy things without really intending to.
• Try and approach her after the work out is over. Don’t go up to her and start while she doing her set of cardio exercises or any exercises, for that matter. They must be busy while doing their exercises. You could be blowing off their concentration and that could irritate them.
• Do take it slow. At the gym, you will have a chance to speak to her again. So, there is no need to ask her out for a coffee right at the first date itself.
• Don’t cross the line. Unlike bars, women are less likely to be actively seeking out men at the gym. Make sure you are not very direct. Try to find out about the person first. You do not want to end up asking a married woman out.
• And lastly, if she tells you to back off, simply back off. Although, it could get awkward after such an incident, try and behave like you would normally behave with any other gym member.
The gym can be a great place to meet women. So do take your chances. However, remember that of you get end up irritating a woman, it may spoil your reputation at the gym and reduce any chances you have with other women at the gym. So tread very carefully.
Make the most of your gym membership and use it for socialising, besides using it to get fit. You never know where you are going to find the right person for you and who knows, in your case, it maybe your gym. Go ahead, take your chances and try your best
