How Does It Work ?

The question I’m probably asked the most by singles is “Why am I not meeting
anyone new?” And my response is always the same: “Because you aren’t looking
in the right places.”

While it may be romantic to picture the guy or girl of your dreams crossing your
path via the hand of destiny, in truth very few relationships will just fall into your lap.
You have to go out and look for it.

Think of it as a job search. If you want to land a great position, you can’t sit at
home by the phone waiting for a company to call you and say, “I heard through the
grape vine that you were available. We want to hire you now!” That scenario is
probably never going to happen, so instead you market yourself. You look through
the newspaper, you send out resumes, you complete applications, you network,

and you promote yourself.

And you don’t give up when the first or the 50th

interview doesn’t land you a job.

You have to persevere and explore every

potential source of job leads. The search may be disheartening at times, but it will
be well worth it in the end.

The same is true if you want to find someone to date. If you’re like most people,
you have only uncovered the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your search. Now
it’s time to go below the surface and unearth the rest.


No, I’m not suggesting that you date your friends, although some of the strongest

marriages began as friendships, but I am suggesting that you let them fix you up.

Stop groaning.

Remember that your close friends know the real you (or at least they should) better

than anyone else, except your family.

They know what music you like, what

movies you’ve seen, and probably how you act after you’ve had a few too many
mixed drinks. Technically, no one should be more qualified to help you find a soul


You probably spend at least eight hours of every day stuck in a place just teaming
with available members of the opposite sex. Maybe you’ve heard the expression,
“Don’t dip your pen in company ink,” and in most cases it is a motto to live by – you
do not want an ending relationship to make your job unbearable.

But if you work in an office building, there are probably dozens of companies
around you full of eligible employees who are not considered “company ink.” If you
work in retail, you are meeting hundreds of potential dates every week and you
don’t even have to create excuses for making conversation with them! If you work
in the service industry part of your job is probably networking, so why not use those
phone numbers of potential clients to land a dinner date for “business”? Not to
mention the vendors, postal workers, and delivery people who come into your
company daily.

Remember, you don’t have to date your co-workers or your boss in order to find
romance on the job. You just need to look beyond your cubicle.


Remember high school? Wasn’t finding a date easier then? After all, you mixed
with hundreds of available singles every day.

While college isn’t quite as simplistic, it does give you a golden opportunity to
mingle with a wide-variety of mostly single co-eds. College also has an advantage
over those rambling locker-filled halls of your youth: these students are career-
oriented and goal-focused. If your idea of a dream partner includes someone
capable of holding down a decent job and being able to talk about books without
their eyes glazing over, your local college might be a great place to look.

“I’m too old to go back to college,” some of you are whining.

“I can’t afford the tuition,” cry others.

Never fear, I’m not talking necessarily about attending college as a full-time, or
even part-time, student (although that’s an excellent choice). Some universities
and colleges also offer non-credit classes to people in their community for a

reasonable price.

These classes cover a wide-variety of topics, such as

photography, computer programs, or career-development and generally require no
previous knowledge of the subject. Part of the charm of these classes is that you
cannot only meet someone who shares some of your interests, but you can also
improve yourself at the same time.

If you don’t have a college in your area, many schools offer similar services.


Are you interested in making a difference in your city while you are scoping out the


Then community-service might be your answer.

Volunteering is an

excellent way to help others and to find someone that is also caring and

Community-service isn’t just for white-collar criminals. It’s also a wonderful way for
you to get involved in something, to meet new people, and to do something you are
really proud of.

Take CPR classes, walk dogs for an animal shelter, tutor troubled kids after school,
or distribute food at a soup kitchen – these are just a handful of community-service


You could help with fundraisers, join committees, develop public

awareness for any of the hundreds of valuable organizations that work hard to

make life better for people all around the country.

And in the end, you (and

hopefully a new “friend”) can look back at what you’ve done and feel a true sense
of accomplishment.


In case you’ve been hiding in a cave for the last half-decade, you already know
that bookstores are “in”. While shopping for books used to be enough to classify
you as an un-dateable nerd, now only the coolest, hippest people are to be found
among the trendy bookshelves of enormous chain bookstores.

Bookstores have always been a nice place to meet new friends and lovers. 

all, it’s easy to start up a conversation with someone: just ask him or her what book
they are reading. Now with the addition of cozy cafes, bookstores have become a
socially acceptable gathering place.

So find a book, order an espresso, and smile flirtatiously over the top of your pages
at every attractive, interesting member of the opposite sex who pauses nearby.

Personal Ads

Whether you find them online or in your local newspaper, personal ads can be
another avenue for your romantic searches. While you’ve probably heard horror
stories about personal ads, you can easily avoid a negative experience by keeping
in mind the golden rule of dating: almost everyone lies about something. The lie
may be as simple as saying they are 25 when they are really 30 or as disastrous
as lying about their marital status.

The best advice is to take everything you read in those ads with a grain of salt;
most were written deliberately to get your attention not to reveal any inner secrets.
And if you do embark on a date with someone you find in an ad, go in with no
expectations; expect to meet someone new and to have a good time.

Chat Rooms

While chat rooms are a legitimate form of meeting new people, you must proceed
with extreme caution! Always remember that you do not know anything about your
fellow chatters except what they tell you and rarely do they reveal the whole truth.
Online Dating Sites

With the Internet becoming a hotbed of activity for both personal and commercial
ventures, it should not surprise you that there is an excess of web-based dating


These sites use chat rooms, message boards, and e-mail to create a

community atmosphere, which allows site members to interact with one another in
a more relaxed manner. Unlike online personal ads or ordinary chat rooms, the
sites include detailed profiles (usually including photos) of members so you know

more about whom you are communicating with.

Most sites also allow you to

browse or search the profiles for people in certain geographical locations or with
certain interests. The majority of these sites do charge a membership fee; so only
those serious about meeting people generally join

Dating Services

If you’re still having trouble finding possible dates, you may want to consider
professional assistance. A dating service will help put you in contact with their
other clients who may have similar interests or who may be looking for someone
who meets your description. Many include an extensive interview process and
possibly involve a videotaped message to interested singles.

One of the best reasons to use a dating service is that, unlike with some methods,
you go into the situation with more background information about the other person.
Most reputable services do check out the information provided by their clients.

Also keep in mind that while a dating service can help you find a date, they can’t
make it a successful one. You’re still in charge of the hard part.
